Thursday, June 30, 2011


i... am.... so.... tired.

i must stay awake now for another half-hour or so. if i fall asleep now, i risk missing a phone call. the call is unimportant, but i suppose it is fairly important that i take it. i dont want to be one of 'those' people. you know, the ones you call and speak to, then hang up with the agreement that you will call again in a short time period. less than 2 hours. you call them again and they dont answer and you dont hear from them again for three days when they finally call and act like no time has passed. act like there is nothing at all wrong or weird about the time they let pass. what is up with that. am i right people.

it sounds like there are people stacking garden tools at both my front and back doors. it helps that our front yard is basically our neighbors driveway. and our backyard is right up in the business of our neighbors backyards. so the houses are close together, what of it. so our neighbor uses his leaf-blower on our front doorstep every few days and blows all the blooms off my plants and knocks over the gnome statue and makes the dog bark. i am so tired right now. i am on a couch that is like a raft buffeted in an ocean of chirping birds, swirling area rugs, antique yellow sunlight, fluttering leaves, dilapidated, half-taken-down christmas trees, and neglected yard-work.

i dont want to feed grandma bacon while she's in the bathtub. the television is muted but the flashing pictures are incredibly annoyingly distracting. are these thousand words worth a picture? is time up yet? i dont know how much longer i can wait for this call i dont even want to receive. the call will determine whether i can finally go to sleep or if i have to get in the car with no air conditioning and try to drive to a destination in the oppressive floridian heat and act pleased to see the people i will meet. oh to suffer a massive stroke right now. i want to forget what the number seven is. I would recover. and by the time I did, people would be used to me not being able to do anything. and so anything I did do, would just be gravy. wouldn't that be gravy?

i have about five more minutes to wait. the waiting is the hardest part. also, wondering what i will say. what will they say? will they have mercy? i predict that they may be oblivious to my distress and that that will distress me further.

there's the call.

oh, they are coming here. no questions asked. oh glory, thank you, thank you.

i bid you all goodnight.

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